Religious education

What is a Prophet? Isaiah RE - Advent - Christmas - Messenger of God
This is a slide I have just made to help guide my lesson for tomorrow. The children have just studied the Season of Advent for Christians and the Church (see worksheet). Now they will learn what a prophet is and will look at the Prophet Isaiah reading 7:14 & 9:6 from the Bible.

RE Hinduism Year 2 - To understand how Karma makes Hindus behave. Sorting activity.
This is an activity where the children have to organise the actions of Hindus into 'would do' and 'wouldn't do'. There are two red sorting circles and a sheet of images for them to cut out. The LO is also included.
At the end of this activity I asked two questions to further their learning....What does the word ' Karma' mean? (action) and Do you believe in Karma? Why? the children wrote these in their books and answered them.
I hope this helps and saves time!

A Story Map Template for The Christmas Story
A story map template for the Nativity Story. Looks great printed on A3 and stuck into the children's learning journals. Perfect for Year 1.

What have you learned about the Torah
This is a worksheet for the Children to complete at the end of a unit. They have to write all the things that they know about the Torah. There is also a second sheet with arrows (4) for the LA.

Writing the story of David and Goliath Worksheet MA / LA and a short version of story to edit
This is a worksheet where the children have to rewrite the story of David and Goliath (short, picking out the main details of the story). The worksheets are differentiated for LA and MA. I gave the HA the MA worksheet and extended them by asking them deeper thinking questions in their learning journals. At the end of the worksheet there is a question for LA - asking them what they liked about the story and why. The question at the end for the MA was asking them what they found inspiring about the story and why.
As a whole class we practiced writing a summary of the story together, but you can use this to edit and make even better with your children!
Will save time!

John the Baptist Wanted Poster Template - Lesson Starter / Poster
This is simple WANTED POSTER for John the Baptist to use as a lesson starter to encourage the children to discuss who he is, why is he wanted, etc. I have used the same template three times and have changed the photo of him in each one. Here is outline of what i will do;
Teacher puts up a “wanted” poster of John The Baptist with a reward of half a million pounds. Pupils /Teacher to read out vivid descriptions on him while the rest of the class will try to decide who he is and what his role is. Matthew 11:9-10 and 3:1-3, Mark 1:3, John 1:27 and Luke 16:16.

This is a topic web for Y3 on the topic let there be light. If anything this will be useful to have simply for the LO's which you can use and helot to guide you plan the term. The children are loving it so far!

Understanding Advent Worksheet RE Christmas
This is a worksheet where the children have to show you that they understand Advent. Firstly the chn have to annotate around the the wreath. They should explain what Advent is and what the candles symbolise and then label each candle (JOY, HOPE, LOVE, PEACE & CHRIST).
There is a deepening question asking how they will prepare for Christmas.
LO & SC at the top of the worksheet ready for you to highlight how successful they were. I have also included a page with the advent wreaths on that you can cut up and stick in their books to annotate what they already know about advent before you teach to show clear progress in your books! Works a treat and saves time!